Zaproszenie na videokonferencje: COVID19 - Jak wykorzystac doswiadczenie? Polska Misja Wojskowa w USA

Published on April 28th 2020

Zaproszenie na video konferencje organizowana przez Dr Marka Rudnickiego Prezesa, Polish-American Medical Society in Chicago:

COVID19 - Jak wykorzystac doswiadczenie? Polska Misja Wojskowa w USA

Sroda, 29 kwietnia, godz. 17:00 - 19:00 czasu EST (Washigton/New York)

Program Konferencji obejmuje trzy 10-15 min prezentacje po ktorych wykladowcy beda odpowiadali na przeslanie podczas konferencji pytania.Wykladowcy to lekarze - czlonkowie Polskiej Misji Medycznej, ktora przybyla do Chicago 23 kwietnia w efekcie bezposrednich rozmow miedzy Prezydentami Polski I USA.

Plan Konferencji:
1. Problemy i rozwiazania w walce z COVID19 we Wloszech - Dr. Robert Ryczek
2. Reorganizacja systemu Emergency w czasie pandemii - Dr. Jakub Klimkiewicz
3. ECMO w leczeniu pacjentow z COVID - Prof. Miroslaw Czuczwar
4. Odpowiedzi na przeslanie przez chat pytania.

Wiecej informacji w mailu ponizej.

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One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89149180355# US (Chicago)
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--- Forwarded Message ---
Subject:     COVID19 - Jak wykorzystac doswiadczenie? Polska Misja Wojskowa w USA
Date:     Tue, 28 Apr 2020
From:     Marek Rudnicki, MD

Zapraszam do udzialu w telekonferencji poswieconej COVID19, Sroda, 29 kwietnia, godz. 16 - 18 czasu Chicago (poczatek o 23.00 czasu polskiego)

Bardzo prosze o przekazanie informacji o konferencji do Panstwa Znajomych i adresatow.  Mam nadzieje ze uda sie przeprowadzic konferencje dla wielu uczestnikow.   Jest wielka okazja, by dowiedziec sie ciekawych rzeczy i jednoczesnie byc dumnym z misji polskich lekarzy, oficerow Wojska Polskiego.   

Program Konferencji obejmuje trzy 10-15 min prezentacje po ktorych wykladowcy beda odpowiadali na przeslanie podczas konferencji pytania.

Wykladowcy to lekarze - czlonkowie Polskiej Misji Medycznej, ktora przybyla do Chicago 23 kwietnia w efekcie bezposrednich rozmow miedzy Prezydentami Polski I USA.
Plan Konferencji:
1. Problemy i rozwiazania w walce z COVID19 we Wloszech - Dr. Robert Ryczek
2. Reorganizacja systemu Emergency w czasie pandemii - Dr. Jakub Klimkiewicz
3. ECMO w leczeniu pacjentow z COVID - Prof. Miroslaw Czuczwar
4. Odpowiedzi na przeslanie przez chat pytania.

Celem misji w ktorej uczestnicza lekarze, ratownicy medyczni i pielegniarki z Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego w Warszawie jest podzielenie sie doswiadczeniami z partnerami amerykanskimi z walki z COVID19 w polnocnych Wloszech.
Gopodarzem Misji w USA sa Illinois National Guards, a uczestnicy zapoznaja sie z systemem przygotowan I reagowania na pandemie w USA, wlacznie z dzialalnoscia szpitali, osrodkow opieki, osrodkow reagowania kryzysowego oraz nowo powstalych szpitali polowych. .
Jak do tej pory, jest to pierwsza (I jedyna) grupa lekarzy, ktorzy pojawili sie w USA od czasu rozwiniecia epidemii we Wloszech, Hiszpanii i innych krajach Europy.

Zapraszamy - prosze o ewentualne przetestowanie lacznosci przez przed konferencja. Z uwagi o liczbe uczestnikow, wszystkie mikrofony beda wylaczone umozliwiajc czysty przekaz ze strony wykladowcow.
Podlaczenie do konferencji nie wymaga oplat ani innych dodatkowych czynnpsci.
Planowane jest nagrywanie wykladu ktory pozniej bedzie dostepny na stronie Zwiazku Lekarzy Polskich w Chicago, www.ZLPCHICAGO.ORG

Dziekuje I do zobaczenia/uslyszenia.
Marek Rudnicki, MD

COVID19 - jak wykorzystac doswiadczenie?
    Wed Apr 29, 2020 4pm – 5:30pm Central Time - Chicago
Where (map)

Marek Rudnicki is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 4918 0355
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89149180355# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,89149180355# US (New York)

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Meeting ID: 891 4918 0355
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Meetings with Witold Gadowski in USA and Canada.

Published on February 25th 2020

 Free Admission. Lecture in Polish language. Spotkania z Witoldem Gadowskim w Waszyngtonie wtorek 3 Marca 7 pm i Baltimore sroda 4 Marca 7 pm. 

Terminarz spotkań w USA i Kanadzie od 28 lutego do 5 kwietnia:

Polish American Dialogue - Washington
zaprasza na spotkanie autorskie z

Witoldem Gadowskim
Małgorzatą Fechner Puternicką

Autorzy będą rozmawiać na tematy poruszone w swoich książkach.
Zwiastun filmu "Świeci z Doliny Niwy".
Rozmowa na temat aktualnych wydarzeń w Polsce.
Marszu Polonii do Auschwitz.

Silver Spring MD - Wtorek 3 Marca, 7 pm
  Baltimore MD - Środa 4 Marca, 7 pm

Parish Hall, Our Lady Queen of Poland Parish,
9700 Rosensteel Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Parish Hall, Holy Rosary Parish,
408 S Chester St, Baltimore, MD 21231

Wstęp wolny. Spotkanie w języku Polskim.
Free Admission. Lecture in Polish language.
Witold Gadowski, dziennikarz, pisarz i poeta, autor „Wieży komunistów", „Smaku wojny"
oraz współautor książki „Tragarze śmierci".


Oscars/Anti Polish propaganda in Hollywood Reporter- PAC protest

Published on February 9th 2020

The 2019 film Corpus Christi, directed by Jan Komasa, was nominated for a 2020 Oscar. 

Mr. Scott Roxborough wrote a misleading article about Corpus Christi which presents wrong information about contemporary Polish politics and especially about the Smolensk Catastrophe.

This harms the image of Poland, the Poles, and by extension Polish Americans. Please email John  Czop's article below to Mr. Roxborough to encourage him to publish a correction in the Hollywood Reporter, so the public may know the truth of what  really is at stake in today's Poland.

Mr. Scott Roxborough
Europe Bureau Chief
Matthew Belloni Editorial Director
Scott Roxborough Europe Bureau Chief


Dear Mr. Roxborough,


I am writing in response to your 2 January 2020 article, How 'Corpus Christi' Director Hopes to Bridge Poland's Cultural Divide,  published in the 13 January 2020 issue of The Hollywood Reporter.  Your description of the 2019 film Corpus Christi, written by Mateusz Pacewicz and directed by Jan Komasa, is devoid of critical detachment.  This is why your article is a disservice to those in the West who want to know the truth about "Poland's Cultural Divide". 
In "Corpus Christi", Messrs. Pacewicz and Komasa  show a rural versus urban cultural divide in order to occlude what really is at stake:   the struggle of freedom loving Poles, present in both town and countryside, to remove former communists, also entrenched in urban and rural Poland, from their positions of privilege and power.

Moreover, Messrs. Pacewicz and Komasa clearly propagate the message of the former communist elite.  Why do you collaborate in their lurid project by writing:  Poland's national divide is played out in miniature in " Corpus Cristi", with the tragedy of the car accident standing in for the 2010 Smolensk catastrophe, the plane crash that killed 96 Polish dignitaries, including then President Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria.  Kaczynski's twin brother, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, weaponized the national tragedy, using it to leverage political power for his right-wing Law and Justice Party, which now runs Poland (and has been heavily criticized by the European union for cracking down on free speech and LGBT rights).

  Messrs. Pacewicz and Komasa  trivialize, minimize, and misinform the public about the Smolensk Catastrophe by comparing it in their film, set in rural Poland, to an automobile accident.  Corpus Cristi shows credulous villagers, who are duped by a former convict masquerading as a fake priest, expressing competing views on the causes of the automobile accident in which seven young villagers died.  Your article legitimizes viewing the Smolensk Catastrophe as an aviation accident like the film's automobile accident.  Today, there is no debate on the causes of the Smolensk Catastrophe.  This Catastrophe was no accident;  against the facts, the makers of "Corpus Christi" perpetuate the Smolensk lie, which benefits former communists, in league with Putin's Kremlin, who continue to occupy important positions in today's Poland.

Recently, the world's leading expert on aviation accidents, Frank Taylor, a British citizen, concluded that the Smolensk Catastrophe was NO ACCIDENT.  Instead, Taylor is convinced that President Kaczynski's plane exploded above the runway of Smolensk North Military Airfield, in the western part of the Russian Federation, as the result of the detonation inside the aircraft of two or more bombs. 

Your article about "Corpus Christi" takes on very serious issues, which affect the security of Poland and the Atlantic World in the context of increasingly aggressive and reckless Kremlin revanchism. You and the Kremlin still insist, against the facts, that the Smolensk Catastrophe was an accident, and not a mass assassination.

 The 10 million Polish Americans in the United States, who consume Hollywood products, will be dismayed if you do not, BEFORE THE 2020 OSCARS, publish a correction to your article in which you make it clear that the Smolensk Catastrophe was NOT an accident, but a mass assassination and a crime without punishment.

If you do not do so, it shows that your article deliberately legitimizes the tendentious views supported by former communists who are trying to hold on to power in Poland through duplicity by propagating the Smolensk Lie.  Against the facts, it is the transformed communists who see the Smolensk Catastrophe as an accident and who want to make deals with the Kremlin on natural gas rather than ensure Poland's energy independence through the Three Seas Initiative. This is why your article threatens the security and sovereignty of Poland, and the best interests of the USA and all the other NATO countries.


John Czop

Director of Policy Planning

Polish American Congress
1612 K Street, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20006
Fax: (202) 835-1565


Fwd: Invitation: Meeting with Member of the European Parliament Ryszard Czarnecki

Published on November 30th 2019

You are cordially invited to a
Meeting with

Member of the European Parliament

Ryszard Czarnecki

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Mr. Czarnecki is an expert in international relations,
Member of Polish Parliament, and the Member of the European Parliament

He will talk about current political situation in Poland and in EU.

Free Admission
 The Meeting will take place at:
Our Lady Queen of Poland Parish Hall
9700 Rosensteel Ave, Silver Spring, MD

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 7:30 PM



Invitation: The Music of Polish Kings. Capitol Hill Concert, November 3rd 2019.

Published on October 30th 2019

The Polish Mission of the Orchard Lake Schools 
along with the St. Joseph’s Church on Capitol Hill
cordially invites you to the
Special Concert
The Music of Polish Kings
performed by 
Octava Ensemble
One of the best vocal group from Poland.

ovember 3rd, 2019,  2:00 PM

St. Joseph's Church on Capitol Hill
313 2nd St NE,
Washington, DC 20002

Free Admission

Octawa Ensemble Bio:

OCTAVA ensemble a vocal octet considered by music critics to be one of the most interesting vocal groups of the young generation. They quickly established their leading position among other Polish chamber groups. OCTAVA ensemble is many times a winner of various festivals and contests. As well as the many awards won by the group, there is also the most prestigious award in Polish choral art, Grand Prix 39', "Legnica Cantat" edition.

Thanks to the wide interests of OCTAVA ensemble, the group can perform every type of music, from Renaissance works to avant-garde coproduction with Krzysztof Penderecki, Aphex Twin (European Culture Congress, Wroclaw 2011), Portishead and Goldfrapp (an opening of new Trance scene on Misteria Paschalia Festival).

However, the specialisation of OCTAVA ensemble is the XVI and XVII-century music. The group follows historical trends by recording albums of works from the turn of the Renaissance and the Baroque (Pekiel Missa Pulcherrima - FRYDERYK 2010 nomination, Hassler Missa Octava - reviewed very positively in British "Gramophone" magazine - the most esteemed classical music magazine in the world). Additionally, they have set up the extraordinary AD RADICES MUSICAE project - for the first time in Poland, OCTAVA ensemble has brought back a regular interpretation of polyphonic compositions which are performed in their natural context, i.e. during a liturgy before council.

With every concert, OCTAVA ensemble wins favour with audience and critics. Zygmunt Magiera is the artistic director of the group.

OCTAVA ensemble - oktet wokalny, uznany przez krytyków muzycznych za jeden z najciekawszych zespołów wokalnych młodego pokolenia szybko ustalił swoją wiodącą pozycję wśród polskich zespołów kameralnych. Wielokrotny zwycięzca licznych festiwali i konkursów wokalnych; wśród zdobytych przez zespół nagród nie zabrakło najbardziej prestiżowej nagrody w dziedzinie polskiej chóralistyki Grand Prix 39' edycji "Legnica Cantat".

Szerokie zainteresowania artystyczne OCTAVA ensemble, pozwalają zespołowi sięgać po każdego rodzaju muzykę, od twórczości renesansowej po awangardowe koprodukcje z udziałem Krzysztofa Pendereckiego i Aphex Twin (Europejski Kongres Kultury, Wrocław 2011) albo Portishead i Goldfrapp (inauguracja nowej odsłony Trance na festiwalu Misteria Paschalia).

Specjalizację OCTAVA ensemble stanowi jednak muzyka XVI i XVII wieku. Zespół wpisuje się w trend historycznego wykonawstwa muzyki dawnej nagrywając płyty z utworami z przełomu renesansu i baroku (Missa Pulcherrima Pękiela - nominacja do nagrody FRYDERYK 2010, Missa Octava Hasslera - wyróżniona pochwalną recenzją w brytyjskim miesięczniku "Gramophone" - najbardziej liczącym się magazynie o muzyce klasycznej na świecie), a także tworząc wyjątkowy projekt AD RADICES MUSICAE - po raz pierwszy w Polsce przywracając regularne wykonywanie kompozycji polifonicznych we właściwym dla nich kontekście przedsoborowej liturgii.

Każdy występ OCTAVA ensemble zyskuje niezwykłą przychylność publiczności i krytyki.
Dyrektorem artystycznym zespołu jest Zygmunt Magiera.


Free conference about Democracy at FIU on October 28, 2019

Published on October 28th 2019


Celebrate Polish Heritage Month in October with us!

The Blanka Rosenstiel Lecture Series on Poland and the European and Eurasian Studies Program at FIU are hosting a dynamic conference on October 28, 2019. Panelists include Polish Ambassador Piotr Wilczek; Ian Brzezinski, American foreign policy and military expert; and Ted Kontek, former Foreign Service Officer at the US Department of State .

For more information, please contact Christine Caly-Sanchez at or register at

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Invitation: The Music of Polish Kings. Capitol Hill Concert, November 3rd 2019.

Published on October 22nd 2019

The Polish Mission of the Orchard Lake Schools 
along with the St. Joseph’s Church on Capitol Hill
cordially invites you to the
Special Concert
The Music of Polish Kings
performed by 
Octava Ensemble
One of the best vocal group from Poland.

ovember 3rd, 2019,  2:00 PM

St. Joseph's Church on Capitol Hill
313 2nd St NE,
Washington, DC 20002

Free Admission

Octawa Ensemble Bio:

OCTAVA ensemble a vocal octet considered by music critics to be one of the most interesting vocal groups of the young generation. They quickly established their leading position among other Polish chamber groups. OCTAVA ensemble is many times a winner of various festivals and contests. As well as the many awards won by the group, there is also the most prestigious award in Polish choral art, Grand Prix 39', "Legnica Cantat" edition.

Thanks to the wide interests of OCTAVA ensemble, the group can perform every type of music, from Renaissance works to avant-garde coproduction with Krzysztof Penderecki, Aphex Twin (European Culture Congress, Wroclaw 2011), Portishead and Goldfrapp (an opening of new Trance scene on Misteria Paschalia Festival).

However, the specialisation of OCTAVA ensemble is the XVI and XVII-century music. The group follows historical trends by recording albums of works from the turn of the Renaissance and the Baroque (Pekiel Missa Pulcherrima - FRYDERYK 2010 nomination, Hassler Missa Octava - reviewed very positively in British "Gramophone" magazine - the most esteemed classical music magazine in the world). Additionally, they have set up the extraordinary AD RADICES MUSICAE project - for the first time in Poland, OCTAVA ensemble has brought back a regular interpretation of polyphonic compositions which are performed in their natural context, i.e. during a liturgy before council.

With every concert, OCTAVA ensemble wins favour with audience and critics. Zygmunt Magiera is the artistic director of the group.

OCTAVA ensemble - oktet wokalny, uznany przez krytyków muzycznych za jeden z najciekawszych zespołów wokalnych młodego pokolenia szybko ustalił swoją wiodącą pozycję wśród polskich zespołów kameralnych. Wielokrotny zwycięzca licznych festiwali i konkursów wokalnych; wśród zdobytych przez zespół nagród nie zabrakło najbardziej prestiżowej nagrody w dziedzinie polskiej chóralistyki Grand Prix 39' edycji "Legnica Cantat".

Szerokie zainteresowania artystyczne OCTAVA ensemble, pozwalają zespołowi sięgać po każdego rodzaju muzykę, od twórczości renesansowej po awangardowe koprodukcje z udziałem Krzysztofa Pendereckiego i Aphex Twin (Europejski Kongres Kultury, Wrocław 2011) albo Portishead i Goldfrapp (inauguracja nowej odsłony Trance na festiwalu Misteria Paschalia).

Specjalizację OCTAVA ensemble stanowi jednak muzyka XVI i XVII wieku. Zespół wpisuje się w trend historycznego wykonawstwa muzyki dawnej nagrywając płyty z utworami z przełomu renesansu i baroku (Missa Pulcherrima Pękiela - nominacja do nagrody FRYDERYK 2010, Missa Octava Hasslera - wyróżniona pochwalną recenzją w brytyjskim miesięczniku "Gramophone" - najbardziej liczącym się magazynie o muzyce klasycznej na świecie), a także tworząc wyjątkowy projekt AD RADICES MUSICAE - po raz pierwszy w Polsce przywracając regularne wykonywanie kompozycji polifonicznych we właściwym dla nich kontekście przedsoborowej liturgii.

Każdy występ OCTAVA ensemble zyskuje niezwykłą przychylność publiczności i krytyki.
Dyrektorem artystycznym zespołu jest Zygmunt Magiera.


Reminder: Annual Pulaski Monument Ceremony – Saturday, October 19

Published on October 15th 2019

Celebrate General Pulaskis Revolutionary Legacy in New Jersey


Join Us to Honor American history, and the

  Polish contribution to the American cause, in

commemorating the Defense of Little Egg Harbor



Saturday, October 19, 2019, 11 a.m.

Pulaski Monument, Little Egg Harbor


 The Ceremony: Solemn commemoration including flag lowering and wreath-laying.  Historical narrative is offered of the Battle of October 15, 1778 during the Defense of Little Egg Harbor in the American Revolution.  This year the ceremony will include a special primary school-age presentation that starts at Eleven O’clock in the Morning.


Directions:  From Garden State Parkway, take Exit 58 (Route 539) toward Tuckerton [3.3 miles] to Route 9. In Tuckerton, turn RIGHT onto Route 9; proceed one block to traffic light at Great Bay Blvd.  Turn LEFT onto Great Bay Blvd and proceed one-third mile and turn RIGHT onto Radio Road.  Proceed 2.25 miles down Radio Road, passing through the intersection of Harbortown Blvd/Mathistown Rd (traffic light).  The Pulaski Monument is on the LEFT, just past the fire station.


The History: The annual ceremony is held to remember the fallen troopers of the Pulaski Legion and their victory in the early morning hours of October 15th on a site along what is now called Radio Road leading to Osborn Island.  It is now 241 years since the enemy British force of soldiers and sailors retreated for one last time, leaving behind their military target of reaching  and destroying the ‘Forks’ at the Mullica River.  The important Port of Little Egg Harbor warehouses, docks and iron works at ‘The Forks’ 18 miles distant,  proved to be too far, and Pulaski’s cavalry were too numerous.  Retreat was the only option in the face of Pulaski’s horses.


A week earlier at Chestnut Neck (about 5 miles away on the Mullica River) the hopelessly outnumbered, but still valiant, American militia, privateer sailors and a small battery could not offer much resistance in the initial attack as the enemy laid waste to the lower Port, houses and farms.  But like that chaos and defeat suffered on Oct 6-7 at Chestnut Neck, which Pulaski put a stop to, the Legion would once again prove on October 15 during the renewed British attack that the enemy would go no farther.   The hand-picked enemy soldiers backed by the Royal Navy did not even entertain a hope of giving fight to Pulaski’s American Continental dragoons—cavalry carefully trained by their Polish officers.  After the second bloody assault in the early morning hours of October 15 along Radio Road, the British retreated with losses.  The enemy expedition was already in its third week, and it would be still days more the British would spend picking up stragglers from their unsuccessful attack before they sailed away.


The war would go on, but the enemy would never again attempt to show its flag so brazenly in South Jersey. Such were the events of October 1778 in the American Revolution during the Defense of Little Egg Harbor.  May their service and sacrifice be remembered!


National Register of Historic Places:  The Pulaski Monument site on Radio Road, and the associated Headquarters site ¾ mile away, are found on the historic register maintained by the U.S. Department of the Interior – NPS .



Sponsor:  AEHHS, Inc.

Affair at Egg Harbor Historical Society, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation

Call AEHHS (609-709-8031) for information


Invitation: Annual Pulaski Monument Ceremony – Saturday, October 19

Published on October 4th 2019


Celebrate General Pulaskis Revolutionary Legacy in New Jersey


Join Us to Honor American history, and the

  Polish contribution to the American cause, in

commemorating the Defense of Little Egg Harbor



Saturday, October 19, 2019, 11 a.m.

Pulaski Monument, Little Egg Harbor


 The Ceremony: Solemn commemoration including flag lowering and wreath-laying.  Historical narrative is offered of the Battle of October 15, 1778 during the Defense of Little Egg Harbor in the American Revolution.  This year the ceremony will include a special primary school-age presentation that starts at Eleven O’clock in the Morning.


Directions:  From Garden State Parkway, take Exit 58 (Route 539) toward Tuckerton [3.3 miles] to Route 9. In Tuckerton, turn RIGHT onto Route 9; proceed one block to traffic light at Great Bay Blvd.  Turn LEFT onto Great Bay Blvd and proceed one-third mile and turn RIGHT onto Radio Road.  Proceed 2.25 miles down Radio Road, passing through the intersection of Harbortown Blvd/Mathistown Rd (traffic light).  The Pulaski Monument is on the LEFT, just past the fire station.


The History: The annual ceremony is held to remember the fallen troopers of the Pulaski Legion and their victory in the early morning hours of October 15th on a site along what is now called Radio Road leading to Osborn Island.  It is now 241 years since the enemy British force of soldiers and sailors retreated for one last time, leaving behind their military target of reaching  and destroying the ‘Forks’ at the Mullica River.  The important Port of Little Egg Harbor warehouses, docks and iron works at ‘The Forks’ 18 miles distant,  proved to be too far, and Pulaski’s cavalry were too numerous.  Retreat was the only option in the face of Pulaski’s horses.


A week earlier at Chestnut Neck (about 5 miles away on the Mullica River) the hopelessly outnumbered, but still valiant, American militia, privateer sailors and a small battery could not offer much resistance in the initial attack as the enemy laid waste to the lower Port, houses and farms.  But like that chaos and defeat suffered on Oct 6-7 at Chestnut Neck, which Pulaski put a stop to, the Legion would once again prove on October 15 during the renewed British attack that the enemy would go no farther.   The hand-picked enemy soldiers backed by the Royal Navy did not even entertain a hope of giving fight to Pulaski’s American Continental dragoons—cavalry carefully trained by their Polish officers.  After the second bloody assault in the early morning hours of October 15 along Radio Road, the British retreated with losses.  The enemy expedition was already in its third week, and it would be still days more the British would spend picking up stragglers from their unsuccessful attack before they sailed away.


The war would go on, but the enemy would never again attempt to show its flag so brazenly in South Jersey. Such were the events of October 1778 in the American Revolution during the Defense of Little Egg Harbor.  May their service and sacrifice be remembered!


National Register of Historic Places:  The Pulaski Monument site on Radio Road, and the associated Headquarters site ¾ mile away, are found on the historic register maintained by the U.S. Department of the Interior – NPS .



Sponsor:  AEHHS, Inc.

Affair at Egg Harbor Historical Society, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation

Call AEHHS (609-709-8031) for information


Polish-American Family Festival and Country Fair 2019

Published on September 3rd 2019

Polish-American Family Festival and Country Fair
at the
National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa - Doylestown, PA

September 7 & 8

A celebration of Polish culture, heritage and traditions...
with more food, fun and festivities than ever before!

Hours from 12:00 Noon until 8:00 PM


Invitation: Polish Soldier's Day Celebration at American Czestochowa, Doylestown PA

Published on August 12th 2019

The Polish Army Veterans Association of America invites Everyone for the solemn celebration of the Soldier's Day in American Częstochowa, Doylestown, PA, Sunday, August 18, 2019.

This is the most important annual event organized by the community of former Polish soldiers living in the United States and Canada.
This year, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the return of the Blue Army from France to Poland. Over 20,000 volunteers from America served in the army.


Polish Soldier’s Day Program Sunday, August 18, 2019:

11:00am – Laying of wreaths on the grave of Dr. Teofil Starzyński and by the monument “The Avenger” at the Veterans Cemetery 

11:30am – Celebration before the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
(National Anthems, Roll Call of Honor, Taps Bugle Call, Rifle Salute, Review of Troops and Parade)

12:30pm – Holy Mass at the Shrine of O. L. Of Czestochowa

1:30 – 2:00pm – Presentations by distinguished guests, choirs: “Angelus” and “Joy”

Antoni Chrościelewski,
PAVA District 2 Commander


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